miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Petition letter:

   Dear local authorities:
 Kolkata is the most notorious example of the way in which problems and created when cities grow to quickly.
 Many families have no home, a quarter of a million people are forced to sleep in the open, covered only with bamboo and three million residents live in butees. We are writing this letter because we want the authorities to be responsible for the problem of Kolkata.
 We want to tell you that the population in Kolkata is living in very bad conditions, they don`t deserve this, they have human rigths.
 Thank you for your cooperation 
Juan Ponti and Santiago Brie.

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

The Great Gatsby: Chapter 7

It was curiosity when Gatsby when said and idea about going to the city and going to see a movie. At first Tom didn’t like the idea, but then he accepted at the end.
and Tom went in Gatsby’s car and Daisy and Gatsby went in Tom’s car. One car was yellow and enormous, it was Gatsby’s car the other and...Like a very dark blue color and was convertible, and they took a bottle of whisky to drink and some sandwiches.
When they get at a hotel, they stayed-in a room; the room was very big, white and was decorated with a lot of tables, chairs and precious pictures.
In a moment Gatsby Told Daisy to tell the truth to Tom, that she loved Jordan, Tom didn’t understudied what’s going on, some minutes after he  realized what was happening and got furious .In that moment Daisy started to run , and Gatsby followed her , and Jordan too. The three people were running in the hotel, while Nick and Tom were sitting in the room, in addition Tom was felling bad. When  Jordan stopped running she returned to the room and she asked
-“Do you want any whisky or sandwiches”?
And Nick and Tom answered:
-“No thanks”
Meanwhile Gatsby and Daisy were in the yellow car returning to Tom’s house
In that moment Daisy said:
-“The plan worked out great; everyone thought my thing withJordan”.
When that was happening Myrtle, Tom’s lover , was fighting with his husband Wilson and she got into the road while the yellow was on path of concrete, at more or less 60 or 70 km/h. Daisy and Gatsby trampled Myrtle
was terrified about the crash, however Micalise saw the accident and saw the yellow car. When Micalise told Wilson that a yellow car trampled his wife he got crazy and he knew who the car was. Meantime Daisy and Gatsby were arriving at Tom’s house, in a rainy night. And when Nick had arrived Tom’s house he saw Gatsby waiting out of the house looking at the window of Daisy, he was taking care of her. Also, Gatsby told Nick that Daisy was driving the car at the time of the accident.
The next morning Nick saw Gatsby and Gatsby told him that he stayed in Tom’s house, when in Daisy’s room where some noise
  And he told Nick that he had enter and kill Tom because he was kicking Daisy.

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

La Vida Misma

   Los animales viven, se mueven y se alimentan en manadas, dentro de estas manadas los animales tienen códigos, por ejemplo:si un animal caza otro animal esa presa es suya  y nadie se la puede comer.
   También los humanos vienen manadas, por ejemplo si vas a un club te haces y te moves con esos chicos y te peleas con la contra de ese club y tenemos códigos, en el colegio no nos mandamos al frente y no estas con la novia de un amigo cuando recién cortan.
      Los animales y los seres humanos no son tan diferentes porque ,aunque parezca que si,  nosotros afectamos activamente su ambiente, con la contaminación, tala de  arboles  y la contaminación sonora. Esto los afecta por que se mueren, pierden sus casas y además se pude extinguir una especie.

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Hielos... no va a haber màs

Los glaciares van decreciendo a medida que pasa el tiempo. El glaciar Perito moreno en el 1944 tenia 13.500 Km², en el 1986 cambio a 13.000 Km² y finalmente en 2009 a 12.500 Km².
El porcentaje de decrecimiento seria:
1944: 3,70%
1986: 3,84%
2009: 4%