Friendship means: the condition of sharing a friendlly relationship/ it is the feeling and behaviour that exist between friends.This definition is from Longman dictionary.But for me they are not good enough, this doesn`t transmit what friendship is; the first definition talks about the relationship but doesn`t include why that relationship occurs, like , when you help a friend, the relationship becomes stronger.The other definition is on the feeling and behavior among friends, but what is that feeling and behaviour? The feeling doesn´t appear easily and the behaviour it not allways good when a "friend" betrays you , he is not a really friend .There appears who is a good friend or the person who is with you, because of an interest .
My conclusion is that friendship is very good.
Este Prezi habla sobre los hielos continentales, este es un proyecto,Hielos continentales, que hicimos con Matemática, Biología, Plástica, Geografía.Que es para concientisarnos sobre el derretimiento y como esto afecta la vida.
Para hacer esto, buscamos una foto de glaciares en Internet, luego con distintos tonos de azules y sin apretar , le fuimos dando color y formas a estas hojas blancas.
Tuvimos que hacer un contraste en toda la hoja, hubo que cruzar los trazos hacia se oscurecía el color, no se podía borrar ni pasarle el dedo.
Para este trabajo utiizamos un carton duro, geso, y acrilicos de colores(ditintos tonos de azules, violeta y blanco).